Top things to do in Igarassu (Brazil)

Igarassu: A Hidden Gem in Brazil

Located in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil, Igarassu is a charming and peaceful city that offers a unique blend of culture, history, and natural beauty. With its well-preserved colonial architecture, stunning beaches, and rich history, Igarassu is a must-visit destination for anyone looking for an authentic and off-the-beaten-path experience in Brazil.

History and Architecture

One of the main attractions of Igarassu is its historical and architectural heritage. The city is home to several well-preserved colonial buildings that provide a glimpse into its rich past. Visitors can explore the Igarassu History Museum, which showcases artifacts and exhibits that tell the story of the city's founding and development over the centuries. Another interesting site is the Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian, which dates back to the 16th century and features beautiful Baroque and Rococo-style decorations.

For those interested in learning more about the city's colonial architecture, Sobrado Do Imperador is a must-visit destination. This impressive mansion, built in the 19th century, features a grand staircase, elegant salons, and ornate decorations that reflect the wealth and opulence of the period.

Natural Beauty and Beaches

Igarassu is also known for its natural beauty and stunning beaches. Praia Dos Marcos is a popular destination for tourists and locals alike, with its calm, clear waters and golden sand. Another beautiful beach is Pontal de Maria Farinha, which features calm waters and a laid-back atmosphere.

For those looking for a more adventurous experience, the Trilha dos Holandeses offers a hiking trail that winds through lush forests and leads to breathtaking views of the ocean. The Refúgio Ecológico Charles Darwin is another great destination for nature lovers, featuring a diverse range of flora and fauna.

Cultural and Artistic Offerings

In addition to its historical and natural attractions, Igarassu also offers a range of cultural and artistic offerings. The Atelier Kamayurá is a great destination for art lovers, showcasing the work of local artists and artisans. For those interested in traditional Brazilian music, the Arena TLs hosts live performances and shows featuring a variety of genres and styles.

Food and Drink

No visit to Igarassu is complete without sampling the local cuisine. The city is known for its fresh seafood and traditional Brazilian dishes, such as the feijoada and the moqueca. For a truly authentic experience, visitors can visit the Clube dos Panificadores, a popular bakery and café that serves up delicious pastries, cakes, and coffee.


There are several options for accommodations in Igarassu, ranging from budget-friendly guesthouses to luxurious hotels. The Nova Cruz Igarassu is a charming and cozy guesthouse located in the heart of the city, while the Praia do Sossego Beach Hotel offers upscale amenities and stunning ocean views.


Whether you're interested in history, culture, nature, or just want to relax and soak up the sun, Igarassu offers something for everyone. With its unique blend of colonial architecture, stunning beaches, and natural beauty, this hidden gem in Brazil is a must-visit destination for any traveler looking for an authentic and unforgettable experience.


  • Igarassu History Museum:
  • Sobrado Do Imperador: 184, R. Barbosa Lima, 148
  • Praia Dos Marcos: R. Tubarão, 2317
  • Trilha dos Holandeses: R. João Paulo II, 53
  • Refúgio Ecológico Charles Darwin:
  • Atelier Kamayurá: R. Dr. José Elísio, 9
  • Arena TLs:
  • Clube dos Panificadores: Estr. da Pitanga, 4291
  • Nova Cruz Igarassu: Estr. de Nova Cruz
  • Praia do Sossego Beach Hotel: R. Cowboy, R. Sossego, 11